
Gym, pups, and other interesting tid bits

Perception and reception July 7, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — cgg111 @ 3:04 pm

This past weekend I had the pleasure of stopping by a venue I am interested in for a spring wellness retreat. It is a brand new facility in Delaware, which I am super excited about. Typically retreats are held many miles from home and it will be nice to have access to a space so close. As I was walking with one of the venue specialists, we started chatting about the way people perceive information and I started thinking about how it exactly ties into asteya, which we are currently practicing in yoga this week. Asteya is nonstealing, not stealing time from others, not stealing your own happiness by comparing your experience to another’s, and learning to live in the present moment not rushing things. During our conversation, we chatted about how many other venues there are in the area and a concern about competition. I offered a phrase that I heard at the yoga studio, “There is enough for everyone.” People will want to book at this venue because of what it has to offer. I continued with ” There are a lot of yoga studios and gyms. People will work with me because of what I have to offer, which is different than other facilities.” We continued our tour and I am so thankful for this space so close to home. I am praying things work out and I am able to offer another retreat here in the spring.

I will offer this challenge to you this day: Are you able to receive information just as it is? Are you able to let go of preconceived notions, or the thought that there is some manipulation or ulterior motive behind what is shared or said? I am a firm believer in people receiving information based on past experiences. For example someone can call me a bitch and it doesn’t phase me. I know I am not a bitch, unless my actions showed otherwise-in that case, yes it would be a true statement. Largely, I am a very levelheaded individual so that type of comment would not be warranted nor would it phase me, especially when we consider the source. However, there are some people that if they were called a bitch, would become unglued. Why? It is the background information they associate with that word or a past experience they have using that word or being called that. People receive information from the point in which they are at.

Throughout the day as a teacher, I have thousands of interactions with students and staff. I cannot control what they went through, who said what, or any other factor they had prior to our interaction-unless I was directly involved in it. Besides the issue in the present, the other “stuff” have nothing to do with me. Often times being kind, a good listener, levelheaded, or “nice” people think they can take advantage of me. I do tend to just listen to people when they share things and do not offer guidance or advice unless they are asking for it. I also do not judge. I am far from perfect and do not want to be so I offer a ton of grace to people and am very capable of seeing situations through their eyes.

How does your perception of a situation cause you to receive information? I would love for you to share your experience with this concept. I wish you love, light, peace, happiness, and joy as you go throughout your day, namaste.


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