
Gym, pups, and other interesting tid bits

This is 40 May 10, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — cgg111 @ 3:30 pm

I could not be more excited to start the next decade of my life.  I have many goals that I will accomplish this year and many more that have no deadline.  I am engaged to a wonderful man who has a ton of patience.  There have been many ups and downs with our relationship and I have learned to take one day at a time.  I have also learned that God has laid all our steps before us and he guides us where we are to go.  I am excited to see where I go this year.

Summer Bootcamp 2019 planning is under way.  We kick off June 17th at 8 am.  I have a much more defined training program this year and I can’t wait to roll it out.  Cardio, strength, balance, and meditation/yoga will be the components.  Participants should bring a journal as we goal set and heal.

I am entering this decade with the mantra:  I release the outcome.  The universe has more to offer me than I ever could imagine.  I am so thankful to Ruby and Shatki yoga for the practice and takeaways every time I take class.  I feel more alert, patient, strong-willed, and ready to take on whatever comes my way after my classes.  I have enjoyed the path of healing and self-growth so much that I have decided to take on Yoga Teacher Training.  The training is a 200 hour course and it begins in Sept.  I have no idea where the training will lead me but I am very excited to learn as much as I can from it.

I am also strengthening my relationship with God through daily prayer, devotion and finishing my first courses to become a certified Lay Servant.  I will finish my class in June.  I am on the calendar to preach for October and possibly this summer.  I have been invited to join the Christian Ed committee and have taught Sunday school a few Sundays.  Mark and I have served as greeters once a month, which is very rewarding.  I love wishing everyone a great day and it is a way for Mark and I to bond as well.  I have joined the Evangelical committee which offers hospitality to the church.  I also have taught a small group journaling group and anticipate teaching more small groups as well.  Vacation Bible school is also coming up at the church.  Mark and I have agreed to do whatever we can to make it a successful week for the church.   I am grateful for all the opportunities God has shown me and that I am able to do what I can.  I am also grateful for Mark being as involved as he is with his faith.

I want to continue to work on strengthening my relationship with my family.  Since my dad’s passing my mom and I have gotten closer and I have called her in many times of need.  I am grateful she has been there for me.  My sister and I have made amends and move passed my divorce.   While she has never apologized and likely never will for the treatment she’s shown me, I have forgiven her so that I can have peace in my life.  Life is too short for me to be anything but happy and holding on to negative energy just hurts me in the long run.

I want to continue to be the best fiance and wife that I can be for Mark.  Being in a long-distance relationship has many disadvantages.  I try to spin everyone of them into a positive and make the most of the time we do have together.  There are times when it is rough.  There are times when I don’t think I can handle texting to communicate.  But, I trust that God has everything worked out for me.  Mark is the best dad he can be to his two kids and I know they come first.  He is also very busy with many other responsibilities, so I have learned to chill out or I stress him out which stresses me out and no one ends up happy.  I also want to continue to work on my relationship with Mark’s kids.  Everyone is so busy and we all seem to go in different directions.  I am grateful for the times we can spend together.

I also continue to prayerfully consider stepping away from my teaching career.  This is such a painful process.  When I think I have made my decision, there is a breakthrough and God shows me I am to stay.  I do not like the stress level.  I do not like “school Carol.”  I care way more than my students every will about their education and that becomes an issue when they don’t want to work or can’t (even with many supports) produce quality work.  I continue to do a great job for my students because that is what they deserve.  I am not sure how much longer I will be staying.  God will let me know that, I am very well aware.

I remain steadfast in my faith, grounded and well connected to my family.  I know with the tools I have in place all the answers I am seeking will come to me.  Thank you God for all my blessings and for those about to come.  Thank you also for blocking all things not intended for me and for the ability to release things that do not serve me.   I can’t wait to see what happens next.