
Gym, pups, and other interesting tid bits

Ahimsa Day 9 March 31, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — cgg111 @ 10:23 am


Deborah Adele writes, “fear creates violence.”  She also writes about two types of fear.  One type is “built in us for survival” and the other “fear of the unfamiliar.”  When faced with going to the grocery store last week, I will admit my anxiety was elevated.  How many surfaces would I touch?  How much food would I really be able to get?  Would this trip really be worth it if I were to get sick?  I knew I had to get some protein and fresh fruits and vegetables, but I also knew that I could grab some extra frozen vegetables and order some canned tuna on-line.  So I did the best I could and set my fear aside to grab enough to get through the next few days.   I do not believe in hoarding, which is another yama, because we are all in this situation together and there will be a time that supplies run low for all of us.  So I need to be mindful to take what I need and move on, not attaching to what I got or did not get.  I have food.  I am happy and I am loved.

COVID-19 is striking fear into a lot of us.  The media does not help by showcasing data day in and day out.  I am thankful my family, friends, and I are all healthy.  I am thankful I am able to walk, run, workout, do yoga, cook, and work from home.  I am thankful for electricity and running water.  I realize our situation could be much worse and that utilities like that could be monitored like they are in some countries.  I am thankful our county is offering WIFI to students who are able to work in the parking lots of our middle and high school to complete assignments.  Assignments that we, the teachers, have been stressing over how to plan, execute, and follow up on.  I set my fear aside that all the hard work will pay off and there will be some students who benefit from what we are doing for them.   I set my fear aside that I will continue to get a paycheck during this time and my health insurance will continue as well.  I refuse to live in fear and let life pass me by.  Yes, life right now is much, much different than it was 3 months ago or even a week ago.  I am also hopeful that in another six months we look back at all the things we did or did not do and are happy with the choices we made and what our society looks like.  I pray everyone does their job and stays home, loves their family and prays for this situation to pass so we can move on healthy, stronger, and kinder once it is all over.



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